Why do I write Rural Romantic Suspense/Suspense with some romance and some Contemporary Romance? Well the rural aspect of my writing which mostly and will always be set in remote Australia is a place where I grew up. I played in paddocks surrounded by nothing but snakes, kangaroos, wild pigs, creeks, rivers and family. I have four brothers one older the rest younger, and that alone provided me with experiences. Whether it was fishing, climbing trees, riding horses, bomb diving into creeks, there is so much to draw upon for my stories.
They also say write what you know. I know about the hardships of farming, the ups and downs associated with drought, but not only drought, it's the unexpected such as a pack of wild dogs going through a property destroying live stock in the process, destroying pet lambs, and pet kangaroos. This is where my stories unfold - From remote Australia.
It's not only the wildness of the land that has a certain mystery, the land also holds an intriguing beauty, which is depicted in my stories. Dorothy Mackellar was right when she said, 'the wide brown land for me.' That's a definite. My roots are grounded in the outback.
My last two novels Outback Flames and Outback Fever, my eighth published novel, reflect outback properties and small towns with everyday characters that readers can relate to.
Although Outback Flames reached #4 on Amazon Au, and is/was in the top 100 best sellers in the suspense section, my desire to be published by a Traditional Publisher is still strong, so who knows where the dust will push me. All I can say is that I'll write until the end, as I can't imagine doing anything else. :)
Outback Fever: Release April 3rd 2015 Australian Rural Romantic Suspense
A mystery remains hidden for generations.
When Cassandra Kinkaid returns home for her grandfather's funeral with her two-year-old son, she inherits a sheep property, Willow Creek Station.
An ongoing feud has existed between the Kinkaid's and the Thornton's for generations, unknown to Cassandra until a few weeks ago. Now, someone isn't happy and wants her out.
Cassandra's mother Beth holds a welcoming home party for Jake Thornton, hoping to end the feud for good. How can they end a feud when the air sizzles like the Capulet's and Montague's, although Beth states there was never a Romeo and Juliet involved? Little does she realise Romeo and Juliet did exist, but they are far from star-crossed lovers.
How can Cassandra forgive Jake for breaking her heart, and how can she give up on her Grandfather's wishes? He'd turn over in his grave if he ever knew she was and still is in love with a Thornton. Besides, her grandfather left the property to her for a good reason and she isn't about to give in for love, or is she?
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