Watching the
It's a pleasure
to be amongst the first authors to appear on this very popular review site.
Nikki's warm personality shines thorough even in cyberspace, as does her love
of reading and books.
I contacted Nikki
about a year ago, asking if she had time to read and perhaps review my first
foray into independent publishing. A scary step, and if I'd known then what I
know now, A
Ripple in Time might never have been attempted. With two time lines,
three points of view, a splash of paranormal activity and a major tragedy, it
isn't a run of a mill romantic adventure. Happily, most people were willing to
forgive the novice errors, and even more amazing, readers interpret the story
in different ways.
Nikki not only
read, but also said publicly that she enjoyed the read – and that was all the
encouragement needed! The Celtic Cousins; Rhyllann – (aka Annie) and Wren
appear fully formed in A Ripple in Time, and obviously have a history.
Some readers picked up on references made to an earlier Celtic Cousins
Adventure. In this story, the boys were younger, and so rejected by conventional
publishers as being too young for a main stream audience. Having already braved
the indie waters, A
Raucous Time was polished to a
high degree, and this prequel published not as an afterthought, but with high
hopes. To hedge bets slightly however, Detective Crombie moved a little more
centre stage.
It came as a
delightful surprise when readers emphasised with the fat old bloke. He's a
typical white hat wearing copper – but understands human fallibility. With four
daughters and slightly overbearing wife, I get the feeling he quite welcomes
the uncomplicated shenanigans of the cousins. The latest adventure to feature
Crombie and the Cousins An
Explosive Time will be free to download August 5 – 7, so no excuses not
to join in the fun!
Julia's bio:
My first job
after leaving college was at the BBC helping to write scripts for their
schools' programmes. After a varied career, it is a dream come true to be writing for myself, and the reader I'd like to
be. For the past sixteen years I've lived in the last of London's villages,
concentrating on supporting my two sons as they achieve adulthood. Any spare
time I have is spent cycling, playing tennis or swimming. Drop by my website
anytime, all visitors welcome! Julia